Turkic Council to promote the Modern Silk Road Joint Tour Package

Last Updated on 14 Mart 2018 by Yaşar Çelik

Ambassador Ramil Hasanov, Secretary General of the Cooperation Council of Turkic-speaking States (Turkic Council) explained that the Turkic Council is an international institution established as a common platform by the four states. Ambassador Ramil Hasanov also stated that tourism has an important place within the framework of the Council’s workflow and expalined the new tour package, the Silk Road.

Ramil Hasanov said that this tour will enable and strengthen developments both in the fields of economy and tourism which bring together four brotherly states.

Secretary General of the Turkic Council Ambassador Ramil Hasanov, who attended the ITB Berlin Tourism Exhibition, said that the Turkic Council Modern Silk Road Joint Tour Package was developed according to the decisions taken by the Presidents of the Member States in Bodrum Summit in 2014. After saying ‘we are promoting this tour package in such fairs’, Ambassador Ramil Hasanov gave the floor to his Deputy Dr. Ömer Kocaman.

Deputy Secretary General Ömer Kocaman stated that the technical work of the tour package has been completed to a great extent and that they have carried out studies related to the promotion of the Joint Tour Package.

Dr. Ömer Kocaman, Deputy Secretary General of the Turkic Council


Ömer Kocaman, stressed that they work closely with the Ministry of Culture and Tourism of the Republic of Turkey which provided stands at 20 major international exhibitions for the promotion of the Joint Tour Package including FITUR in Spain, EMITT in Turkey and now in Berlin. Ömer Kocaman also said that there is a great interest to these destinations covering Turkey, Kyrgyzstan, Azerbaijan and Kazakhstan and it is clearly understood that this interest should be fed by promotional activities.


Kocaman remarked that there is a great interest from the companies around the world willing to establish partnerships in the scope of this tour project. He also said that after this fair, they will go to China, Korea and Japan and continue their promotion activities.

Mentioning the completion of the website of the tour, Mr Kocaman said;

“Detailed information about the tour can be obtained from the website (http://modernsilkroadtour.com/). Tour packages can also be purchased by credit card. On the other hand, it will be possible to visit these countries individually and two or three combinations. We have created alternatives for people who want to create their own groups. Our work continues.”