Page 46 - Tourism Diary
P. 46


        Portugal – Hello World. It’s me, Tomorrow.  Japan – Unleash Your Wanderlust in Japan
        With the thought “Tomorrow is Today”, Portugal wants   In the video, Japan wants to express its modern and
        us to be hopeful! They say “Let’s change today and   traditional sides. Tourists coming to Japan will be
        visit tomorrow”. They are calling us for a reunion! The   able to find Japan’s rich history, natural beauties, and
        perspective of the video can inspire us all.  modernity together. It seems that there is a place for
                                                    everyone in Japan!
        South Africa – Because South Africa
        Unlike other videos, South Africa advises South
        African citizens to take care of the country. The video
        emphasizes that there are so many beauties in the
        country and South African citizens are the ones who
        need to own and protect it. Don’t wait for someone else,
        make the difference by yourself!

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